Why is synchronization needed?#
In centralized systems, Supply-Side Platforms and Demand-Side Platforms interact with each other in the following way:
In the very moment a User navigates to their Site, Supply-Side Platforms broadcast information regarding their Supply-Side Inventory and Context Data.
Demand-Side Platforms use the information contained in Supply-Side Inventory and Context Data to offer their bids for buying advertising space.
However, in Adshares Protocol a different workflow is applied:
Prior to any User interaction, Supply-Side Platforms collect information about Demand-Side Inventories, as declared by Demand-Side Platforms, and Demand-Side Platforms collect information about Supply-Side Inventories, as declared by Supply-Side Platforms. This process is called Synchronization.
In the very moment a User navigates to a Site, Supply-Side Platforms use the information collected during Synchronization and Context Data to select the most appropriate Creatives to display in a given situation.
Thus, in Adshares Ecosystem:
Every Supply-Side Platform needs to inform all available Demand-Side Platforms about its availability and the current content of its Supply-Side Inventory.
Every Demand-Side Platform needs to inform all available Supply-Side Platforms about its availability and the current content of its Demand-Side Inventory.
And here is why Supply-Side Platforms and Demand-Side Platforms want to stay in sync by querying each other inventories:
Supply-Side Platforms query Demand-Side Inventory to be able to choose among Demand-Side Platforms willing to buy space on their Sites.
Demand-Side Platforms query Supply-Side Inventory to be able to specify what Sites they want to include or exclude in their Campaign definitions.
Synchronization workflow#
The following diagram presents an overview of the Synchronization process:
Synchronization is done by Supply-Side Platforms and Demand-Side Platforms broadcasting via ADS Blockchain a URL pointing to Platform Metadata.
Once the Platform Metadata is retrieved, the next step is to retrieve Supply-Side Inventory or Demand-Side Inventory.
This is done by using the endpoints contained in the Platform Metadata supplyInventoryUrl
and demandInventoryUrl
Supply-Side Platform retrieves Demand-Side Inventory from all available Demand-Side Platforms.
Demand-Side Platform retrieves Supply-Side Inventory from all available Supply-Side Platforms.
To be applicable, the inventory data needs to be classified by appropriate tags. In order to apply tagging for its inventory data:
Supply-Side Platform makes a request to its Site Tagging Provider.
Demand-Side Platform makes a request to its Creative Tagging Provider.
As inventory data is likely to change over time, the endpoints defined in supplyInventoryUrl
and demandInventoryUrl
fields need to be queried on a regular basis.