User Navigates to a Site#

The following diagram presents the details of the workflow that takes place when a User initially navigates to a Site:

skinparam monochrome true

participant "Supply-Side\nAgent"                as SSA
participant "Supply-Side\nPlatform"             as SSP
participant "Supply-Side\nContext Provider"     as SSCP

SSA ->      SSP     : Post Register Event
SSP -->     SSA     : Context Scripts
SSA ->      SSA     : Execute\nContext Scripts
SSA ->      SSCP    : Post Register Event
SSCP -->     SSA    : Context Scripts
SSA ->      SSA     : Execute\nContext Scripts
SSA ->      SSCP    : Result of Context Scripts\n//optional//

Here are the main steps of the above workflow:

At this stage Register Event is only reported within Supply-Side Platform. To keep both sides in synch, Register Event will be distributed to Demand-Side Platform in the next step.