Money Flow#
The following diagram presents an overview of how the money flows between various participants of Adshares Protocol:
Types of deductions#
Generally, money flows from Advertisers to Publishers. But before funds reach a Publisher some deductions are being made to reward all entities participating in the process.
Funds get deposited#
Advertiser deposits funds with a Demand-Side Platform. Those funds are meant to be utilized as payments for displayed/converted Creatives.
Funds get transferred#
The funds sent from Demand-Side Platform to Supply-Side Platform are reduced by the following amounts:
License fee: an amount paid to a Software Provider. This fee depends on the license type. Software released as Community Edition (CE) is free of charge.
Operator fee: an amount paid to the operators of the software constituting Demand-Side Platform.
Community fee: an amount set to 1% of the cashflow.
Funds get released#
The funds released by Supply-Side Platform to Publisher are reduced by the following amounts:
License fee: an amount paid to a Software Provider. This fee depends on the license type. Software released as Community Edition (CE) is free of charge.
Operator fee: an amount paid to the operators of the software constituting Supply-Side Platform.