Adshares Protocol#

Adshares Protocol describes interactions between the following components:

The following diagram presents the main components participating in Adshares Protocol and the relationships between them:


The following diagram presents a simplified overview of the main interactions defined by Adshares Protocol:

skinparam monochrome true

participant "Supply-Side\nAgent"              as SSA
participant "Supply-Side\nContext Provider"   as SSCP
participant "Supply-Side\nPlatform"           as SSP
participant "ADS\nBlockchain"                 as blockchain
participant "Demand-Side\nPlatform"           as DSP
participant "Demand-Side\nContext Provider"   as DSCP


SSP -> blockchain: Send Broadcast
DSP -> blockchain: Send Broadcast
SSP -> blockchain: Fetch Broadcast
DSP -> blockchain: Fetch Broadcast
SSP -> DSP: Fetch Demand-Side Inventory
DSP -> SSP: Fetch Supply-Side Inventory


SSA -> SSCP: Register Event
SSA -> DSP: Get Creative Content
SSA -> DSP: View Event
SSA -> DSCP: Register Event
SSA -> SSP: Click Event
SSP -> DSP: Click Event


DSP -> blockchain: Send payment
SSP -> blockchain: Fetch transactions
SSP -> DSP: Fetch Payment Report



How various entities participating in Adshares Protocol authenticate each other.


  1. How Supply-Side Platforms and Demand-Side Platforms announce their current availability:
  2. How Demand-Side Platforms expose their inventory data:
  3. How Supply-Side Platforms expose their inventory data:


  1. How Context Providers expose information about Users, Sites and Devices:
  2. How Context Providers accept notifications about Impression Events:
  3. How Demand-Side Platforms expose content of Creatives:
  4. How Demand-Side Platforms accept notifications about Impression Events:
  5. (Optional) How Supply-Side Platforms outsource the process of selecting Creatives:


  1. How Demand-Side Platforms send payments to Supply-Side Platforms:
  2. How Demand-Side Platforms expose information about executed payments:
  3. (Optional) How Demand-Side Platforms outsource the process of generating Payment Reports:
